The Engineering Science University Magnet School was invited back to NYC! We will be participating in the 2016 AAHSFF AT&T Film Invitational.
- 5/19 EXPO . .
- 5/23 Nat'l Honor Society 6 pm . .
- 5/25 Prom . .
- 5/31 Field Day (rain 6/1) . .
- 6/4 Celebration of Learning . .
- 6/6 8th Grade Formal . .
- 6/11 8th Grade Holiday Hill . .
- 6/11 - 6/14 High School Final Exams . .
- 6/18 Graduation 6 pm . .
- 6/19 8th Grade Promotion . .
- 6/20 Last Day of School . .
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Exam Week Will be January 17-20
The schedule for particular exams will be released soon. Parents, please note that these are early dismissal days for all students, not just high school.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Supporting Documents from Last Night's Meeting on the New Building and Technology
Please review at your leisure and send comments to Minutes from the meeting will be posted later today.
ESUMS "Network Challenges"
ESUMS Technology
To clarify, these were prepared by the central office administrators and handed out at the meeting; these are not our docs.
ESUMS "Network Challenges"
ESUMS Technology
To clarify, these were prepared by the central office administrators and handed out at the meeting; these are not our docs.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Reminder: PTO Meeting with Dr. Mayo Tomorrow at 5pm Before the Band Concert!
Please come out and discuss wifi and technology in our Leeder Hill building as well as our new building in West Haven. We hope to learn the date and details of the coming move.
We will meet in the art room if attendance allows. Questions about technology and the move can be submitted in advance to Submitted questions will be asked first, followed by open floor.
We will meet in the art room if attendance allows. Questions about technology and the move can be submitted in advance to Submitted questions will be asked first, followed by open floor.
Important Message from Guidance about Tracking Community Service Hours
Hello Students!
All community service hours must now be documented in a website called If you have already put community service hours into x2vol in Naviance, those hours have transferred over to Ask your counselor if you need assistance!
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Dec. 9 -- High School Coronation Dance -- Snack Request
As you may know, the high school is throwing a big dance on Friday, December 9th, and they are looking for donations of snacks and small paper cups. Please send your donation into the office next week. If anyone would like to volunteer to attend the dance and keep the drink coolers refilled, please contact Alice Coleman (address above).
An Important Request -- Please Help!
Good Morning ESUMS Parents:
On Monday evening, one of our students experienced a tragedy wherein they lost everything in an apartment complex fire. I am writing to see if anyone can donate clothes, toiletries, socks, the family. They need clothes in sizes 2x, large and small for men and 1x or extra large for women. Donations can be dropped off at ESUMS' main office and we will deliver to the family.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Michelle Ryan-Muniz
School Counselor
On Monday evening, one of our students experienced a tragedy wherein they lost everything in an apartment complex fire. I am writing to see if anyone can donate clothes, toiletries, socks, the family. They need clothes in sizes 2x, large and small for men and 1x or extra large for women. Donations can be dropped off at ESUMS' main office and we will deliver to the family.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Michelle Ryan-Muniz
School Counselor
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Holiday Reminder
If you do your shopping at Amazon, please use the ESUMS PTO's link,
To help you remember, you can bookmark it or designate the PTO your favorite charity through Amazon Smile, but the PTO gets a larger donation from the link than from Smile.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Some Local News of Interest
A Message from Kristal Rivera at Girl Scouts of CT
I would like the parents to know that Girl Scouts would like to start a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) troop at ESUMS. In order to start the troop we need two adult volunteers over the age of 18 to be troop leaders. The good thing about being a troop leader is that the volunteer would be making the schedule. They can meet with the girls once a month for an hour or more then that if they would like. The leaders can also hold the meetings in another community location such as a local library or organization. If they have any questions they can contact me directly via phone or email. My phone number is 203-239-2922 and my email address is
Click on image to view details.Thursday, November 17, 2016
UNH Coding Party -- All Are Welcome, But You Must Register
Click on the image for details. This is primarily intended for middle-school girls, but boys may attend if they wish to.
Parents, Please Save the Date -- Dec. 6th
Interim Superintendent Dr. Mayo has kindly agreed to meet with our PTO on December 6th at 5pm to discuss issues of current concern: wifi troubles, dates for the move to the new building, and technology needs and costs in the new building. The meeting will be held at ESUMS. Please check this announcements blog in case of any schedule change.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
HBCU Fair This Weekend
Dear Parents,
This a reminder of the HBCU(Historical Black Colleges and Universities) college fair in NYC on Saturday, November 12 sponsored by New Haven Public Schools. This is an awesome opportunity for our students. Colleges and universities from all over the USA will be in attendance to interview students and issue acceptances on the spot. PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS STUDENTS NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR THIS INTERVIEW and information about the time and place for the bus. School Staff from ESUMS will be on the bus with the students. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Flowers.
Report Card Conferences Next Wednesday -- Sign up for Conferences
Good Day~
Report cards will be issued next Wednesday, November 16 from noon-2pm or 5-7pm. First marking period report cards must be picked up in person by a parent or guardian.
High school teachers will be posting a link to sign up for conferences at our website ESUMSNH.NET on their teacher page. Click on the High School tab then on faculty/staff. Go to the teacher(s) you would like to meet with and sign up on the link they are providing.
thank you ~ we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday!
thank you ~ we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday!
Monday, October 31, 2016
Girls Day Out! November 9th at UNH -- a Message from Ms. Coleman
Hello, my name is Alice S. Coleman and I am the new Magnet Resource Teacher here at ESUMS. Please see the attached announcement regarding a "Girls Day Out" field trip to UNH for our high school girls on November 9th to view the Nora Poggi movie "She Started It". Please note that we are in need of chaperones for that day, as well as signed permission forms from the students.
Thank you for your help in this!
Alice S. Coleman, MBA
Magnet Resource Teacher
Engineering Science University Magnet School (ESUMS)
Permission Form.
Thank you for your help in this!
Alice S. Coleman, MBA
Magnet Resource Teacher
Engineering Science University Magnet School (ESUMS)
Permission Form.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
A Message from our Boxtops Chair
Please check for Box Tops for Education Labels and Bonus Certificates and send them in with your student. There is a collection box located in the Main Office. Remember, each label earns 10 cents for ESUMS - 10 Labels equals $1.00. Please see the attached list for the products that offer these valuable labels.
If every student in the school is able to submit 10 labels, we would be able to earn over $600 for supplies at ESUMS.
In addition, if you sign up on their website,, you will have the opportunity to sign up for contests, and other opportunities to earn more labels for ESUMS.
Thank you!
Monday, October 24, 2016
National Geographic Documentary on Climate Change
Should be on both TV and web on Sunday at 9 pm.
Should be on both TV and web on Sunday at 9 pm.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
It's Time for the Blue News!
Blue News October 20th
Grades 9-11 will have their pictures taken on Thursday, October 27.
Students may dress up for their pictures. Please do not allow them dress down.
Grades 9-11 will have their pictures taken on Thursday, October 27.
Students may dress up for their pictures. Please do not allow them dress down.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Some Thank-You Notes For Our Walkathon Volunteers
Dear Volunteer Parents!
Thank you very much for coming out to Rochford Field last week. Walkathon 2016 was a success and we could have not done it without your help. Thank you very much for the generosity of your time. For parents who lent us your folding tables and coolers, we greatly appreciate it. See you at ESUMS hallways!
Cristina Faustino
Cathy Berni
Walkathon 2016 co-chair
I wanted to extend my thanks again for the devotion you provide to our students,staff, and school community. The walkathon was a success in many ways thanks to your efforts. Please extend my thanks to our parent volunteers who worked with us in making the day a spectacular one!
Jeanne Pennella
Jeanne Pennella
Thanks for your endless commitment. That's great news.
Have a great weekend, and thanks again to all for helping make the Walkathon great!
Ms. Blue-Ellis
Have a great weekend, and thanks again to all for helping make the Walkathon great!
Ms. Blue-Ellis
Invitation to Family & Community Evening At Quinnipiac School of Education -- Tomorrrow
Hope you will join us tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. at the Quinnipiac School of Education in North Haven for a presentation by Richard Moore from Ireland. This event will be the first of our six part education series hosted by the SOE. Open to all educators, parents, facilitators, and interested community members!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Walkathon Total (Approximate)
The unconfirmed total raised at this year's Walkathon is
Thank you to all who participated! That is $12,600 we can spend on activities, clubs, field trips, dances, and other special items not covered by the school's budget. Great job everyone!!
PTO Meeting 10/18, followed by Future of NHPS Town Hall
The PTO Meeting for October 18 (at 5 pm in the art room) will be a short but important one.
We will vote on funding requests from teachers. This is how we decide how to spend the money raised at the Walkathon, and we want you to be involved! Immediately after the meeting, we will travel to Career High School to participate in a Town Hall meeting about choosing the next superintendent as well as an interim superintendent for this year. Register here.
If you would like to have a say in these important matters, make sure you are there!
We will vote on funding requests from teachers. This is how we decide how to spend the money raised at the Walkathon, and we want you to be involved! Immediately after the meeting, we will travel to Career High School to participate in a Town Hall meeting about choosing the next superintendent as well as an interim superintendent for this year. Register here.
If you would like to have a say in these important matters, make sure you are there!
Participate in a Focus Group on the NHPS Strategic Operating Plan
There will be a public focus group for Saturday October 22, 2016 from 9:30-11:30 AM at Metropolitan Business School. Please sign up through the link below if you are available to participate. You will receive a confirmation email with more details once you are officially registered.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Chess Movie in Local Theaters This Week
Living in the slum of Katwe in Kampala, Uganda, is a constant struggle for 10-year-old Phiona (Madina Nalwanga) and her family. Her world changes one day when she meets Robert Katende (David Oyelowo) at a missionary program. Katenda coaches soccer and teaches children to play chess. Curious, Phiona approaches and learns the game. She becomes fascinated with it and soon becomes a top player under Katende's guidance. Over several years, her success in competitions and tournaments leads to greater competitions, stress and identity issues. Phiona must learn more than the game as she is exposed to life outside Katwe. Her education, both formally and informally, continues as she dreams of escaping a life of poverty for herself, her mother and her siblings.
ESUMS Parents, We All Should Go to This Event
Oh no, it conflicts with our next PTO meeting!!
NEW HAVEN TOWN HALL: FUTURE OF NHPSYou are invited to the following event: ![]()
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tonight: College Application Event for Seniors
College Application Night
UCONN at Gateway Community College
Thursday, October 6, 2016
UCONN at Gateway Community College
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
A Message from the Yearbook Staff
ESUMS 2016-17 Y E A R B O O K
Pre-Order NW & get more 4 LESS!
By ordering your yearbook early, you’ll receive the discounted price of $35.00 and for only $5.00 more, add personalization and choose 4 free icons too! This offer is for a limited time.
*Seniors: Family or friends who purchase a Recognition Ad in your honor guarantees free personalization on your yearbook and up to 4 free icons. Ad must be purchased on or before October 14, 2016 for you to be eligible for this special offer.
Ordering an ad is easy. Visit Ms. Davis’ Yearbook page on our ESUMS website at: for information. Senior’s yearbook cost is included in your dues. Personalization is not.
Turn in: ad content and payments, yearbook order form, have "personalization" field completed, and icon choices circled to Ms. Davis Rm 311 on or before 10/14/16.
Grades 6 -11: students purchasing a yearbook can either click on link : to buy yearbook, add personalization and icons or fill out the form provided and return to ESUMS. If you choose personalization, include name on form in the space provided, circle icon choices (up to 4) on back of form, and return with check or cash payment to Ms. Davis Rm 311 by October 5, 2016.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
ESUMS Parents, Have Your Say!
The New Haven Public School System is >ahem< "refining and deepening" its Strategic Operating Plan, and they want to hear from you.
They will be holding focus groups this fall to collect community opinions on how to improve the schools.
If you would like to participate, send an email to or call her at 475-220-1392.
<-- Click on the flyer image for a closer view.
They will be holding focus groups this fall to collect community opinions on how to improve the schools.
If you would like to participate, send an email to or call her at 475-220-1392.
<-- Click on the flyer image for a closer view.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Asthma Study -- For Younger Siblings 5 - 11 Years Old
There is an interesting study going on at Yale School of Public Health, testing how cleaning the air might help children's asthma. Participants get $200 and use of a free air cleaner, but it's only for younger children.
It's Time for the Walkathon!
ESUMS 4th Annual All School Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser, Thursday, October 6 (Rain Date: Friday, October 7). All funds raised go to support school needs and activities. Unlike other fundraisers that require you buy products, our fundraiser provides a healthy walk and a morning of fun activities for all of our students. 100% of the funds raised go directly to the school.
Thank you in advance for supporting your child's school through your fundraising efforts!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Mentorship Program at Yale for Latino/Latina students
Conexiones is a program that aims to pair a Latinx New Haven High School student with a Latinx Yale student. The mentor-mentee partners will meet twice a month on Saturday's from 10 am to 1 pm for various activities, such as campus tours and community service projects. In addition, the mentees will attend a group session twice a month, in which they will set goals for themselves, learn about their place within the New Haven community and the larger national community, learn how to apply to colleges, and learn about what it means to be a Latinx in a changing world. Conexiones will be a program that requires a significant time commitment from its mentees. Mentees must be willing to attend weekly sessions either with their mentors or with the group. Our hope is that both the mentors and mentees will finish the program feeling as if it has enriched their lives and helped them learn more about their place within the community.
This application will close October 3rd and you will be informed about your status by October 7th.
The first session for the program is Saturday, October 15th.
If you have any questions or would like to know more information about the program, please send an email to Click for Application.
This application will close October 3rd and you will be informed about your status by October 7th.
The first session for the program is Saturday, October 15th.
If you have any questions or would like to know more information about the program, please send an email to Click for Application.
Free Yale Science Program on Saturday for Middle School Girls
Registration is now open for the 1st session of Girls’ Science Investigations (GSI) on "The World of Light" held on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th (lunch and snacks provided)!
Did you know that there is a connection between a rainbow and your reflection in a mirror? You can produce your own 3D images and write secret messages that can only be read using certain colored filters. Learn about light and color through your own hands-on investigations. See how light can be used to make electric currents flow. Play with optical illusions and make your own puzzling pictures. There is lots of fun to be had with the light!
More info on registration and this Saturday's program can be found at this link:
Thursday, September 15, 2016
September 2016 Principal's Report
Please take time to read through this impressive "Going for the Gold" Report!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Yale Pathways to Science
Make sure you click on Pathways' link to view all their great upcoming events. Most are open to the public. The next few are:
Cushing Center Tours Come join this awesome tour! 09/22/2016 - 2:00pm
Girls' Science Investigations: The World of Light Middle school girls are invited to the Physics Department. 09/24/2016 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Science on SaturdaysWhen the earth twitches buildings fall, volcanoes erupt, and killer waves reshape the ocean shore. Join us this Saturday to learn from Professor Maureen Long
about how earth scientists use the theory of plate tectonics.
09/24/2016 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Pathways to Science: Design Thinking Workshop 10/01/2016 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
Cushing Center Tours Come join this awesome tour! 09/22/2016 - 2:00pm
Girls' Science Investigations: The World of Light Middle school girls are invited to the Physics Department. 09/24/2016 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Science on SaturdaysWhen the earth twitches buildings fall, volcanoes erupt, and killer waves reshape the ocean shore. Join us this Saturday to learn from Professor Maureen Long
about how earth scientists use the theory of plate tectonics.
09/24/2016 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Pathways to Science: Design Thinking Workshop 10/01/2016 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
More on PLTW Course Weight Issue
Article on Oswego student activism, bringing PLTW courses to the same grade weight as AP.
Information on After School Clubs
On, navigate to Students, and then Clubs & Activities. Most club info has not yet been updated for 2016-17, but the meeting times should be quite similar.
Agenda and Minutes from Sept. 9 PTO Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Draft Budget
Please take a moment to review these documents and discuss in the comments below. (Clicking on "No Comments" allows you to leave one!)
Draft Budget
Please take a moment to review these documents and discuss in the comments below. (Clicking on "No Comments" allows you to leave one!)
Some Work on the PLTW Course Weight Issue -- What Do Other Schools Do?
Southington High School (Southington, CT) -- PLTW weighted same as AP, designation "H"
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
A Message from Guidance: Two Scholarship Lists
One specifically for African-American students and the other for all seniors. Check them out soon, as many due dates are approaching!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Message from Guidance: Scholarship Deadline Oct. 6
AES Scholarship Deadline Is Approaching
Michelle Ryan-Muniz
Guidance Counselor
The deadline for the 11th annual AES Scholarship is October 6, 2016.
Visit our website at and please encourage your students to apply. We wish them all good luck!
The winner(s) will be announced within 2 weeks of the deadline.
Each winner will be personally notified by email.
Michelle Ryan-Muniz
Guidance Counselor
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Oct. 31 Scholarship Due Date: A Message From Guidance
Once again the Horatio Alger Scholarship is open for applications. The scholarship rewards students who possess the character to succeed in life . It helps seniors overcome the financial barriers of pursuing higher education. To qualify the senior should have at least a 2.0 GPA and require financial assistance (less than $55,000 adjusted gross income) to go to college. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 31st, 2016.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Short Notice: Event Today at Career
A message from the Superintendent:
Dear Parents,
As we all know, starting strong this school year is incredibly important. That’s why we’re inviting students, staff, and community members out for the Stronger Together Symposium this today , September 1, at Career High School at 6:00pm.
The symposium will give students an outlet to discuss their social justice concerns, parents and opportunity to learn about our security policies and procedures, and teachers the space to delve into cultural competency and invest in their own health and well-being. The goal of the symposium is to give an opportunity for our community to share perspective and enter the school year with a commitment to cultural inclusion, and well-being and resilience.
This is a joint project with ConnCAT, Junta for Progressive Action, Citywide Youth Coalition, Integrated Wellness, Clifford Beers and our own Security Team. Each workshop is specifically designed to engage and inform our entire district community.
Looking forward to seeing many members of our district community in attendance – Students, Teachers, parents, and you this evening
Please share this information with your networks and encourage your students to attend.
Flyer attached.
Superintendent Harries,
Dear Parents,
As we all know, starting strong this school year is incredibly important. That’s why we’re inviting students, staff, and community members out for the Stronger Together Symposium this today , September 1, at Career High School at 6:00pm.
The symposium will give students an outlet to discuss their social justice concerns, parents and opportunity to learn about our security policies and procedures, and teachers the space to delve into cultural competency and invest in their own health and well-being. The goal of the symposium is to give an opportunity for our community to share perspective and enter the school year with a commitment to cultural inclusion, and well-being and resilience.
This is a joint project with ConnCAT, Junta for Progressive Action, Citywide Youth Coalition, Integrated Wellness, Clifford Beers and our own Security Team. Each workshop is specifically designed to engage and inform our entire district community.
Looking forward to seeing many members of our district community in attendance – Students, Teachers, parents, and you this evening
Please share this information with your networks and encourage your students to attend.
Flyer attached.
Superintendent Harries,
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
High School Students Reporting Community Service Hours
One of our PTO parents has drafted this reporting form for high school students to document their community service hours. It does not replace the students' obligation to log in to x2vol to record those hours with powerschool. Students must have 40 volunteer hours to graduate.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
ESUMS Spirit Wear
Subscribe to the PTO Blog: New -- Subscribe via Email
Do you sometimes forget to check this PTO Announcements Blog? There is an easy solution.
In the right margin, you should be able to enter your email address and receive updates directly.
(This is new -- hope it works! Please leave a comment if it doesn't!)
In the right margin, you should be able to enter your email address and receive updates directly.
(This is new -- hope it works! Please leave a comment if it doesn't!)
Pokemon Players ALERT
This Saturday, August 27, 2016, The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History once again has Pokemon GO pokestops and gym. ESUMS senior ISAAC FAUSTINO (aka Professor Oak) designed the POKEMON GO pokestops and gym of the Peabody Museum. There will be a battle and a special 30 minute tour with the Professor. You might even see creatures that may have inspired your favorite pokemon!
Free admission this Saturday at Summer's Last Roar Event.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Second-Hand Uniform Exchange
Parents, there are free hand-me-down uniform pieces available in the teachers' room. The collection is a bit of a mess, and we are looking for high school student volunteers to clean it up and organize it. In the meantime, feel free to look through the piles to find anything that might fit your child. And don't forget to donate your past uniforms -- we particularly need larger high-school sizes. Thanks!
Monday, August 22, 2016
All Those Nickels and Dimes
The ESUMS PTO participates in a few small fundraisers that cost you absolutely nothing (but a little effort). Each year, these passive fundraisers generate several hundred dollars to support ESUMS activities.
(1) Send your Boxtops in to the main office and register at
(2) Sign up your Stop & Shop card number -- just fill in the number on the volunteer form at orientation and use the card when you shop.
(3) Amazon Associates: use the link in the right-hand margin of this blog (or directly, and the PTO will receive 4 - 7% of your purchase price at no cost to you. It can be hard to remember to use the link, though, so change your Amazon book mark or use Amazon Smile.
(4) Amazon Smile: designate ESUMS PTO as your charity partner and do your Amazon shopping through Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to the PTO.
(1) Send your Boxtops in to the main office and register at
(2) Sign up your Stop & Shop card number -- just fill in the number on the volunteer form at orientation and use the card when you shop.
(3) Amazon Associates: use the link in the right-hand margin of this blog (or directly, and the PTO will receive 4 - 7% of your purchase price at no cost to you. It can be hard to remember to use the link, though, so change your Amazon book mark or use Amazon Smile.
(4) Amazon Smile: designate ESUMS PTO as your charity partner and do your Amazon shopping through Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to the PTO.
Volunteer Opportunity for Students and Parents
A Message from NHPS:
This is the week of the Kindrgarten Canvass! As we prepare, we are looking for volunteers to help us assemble 1,500 bags that we'll be given out over a two day period to our students. This is a great opportunity for high school students to get ahead on their volunteer hours before school starts.
Here are the shifts:
Tuesday, Aug 23: 12pm-4:30pm
Wednesday, Aug 24: 9:30am-4:30pm
Wednesday, Aug 24: 9:30am-4:30pm
**United Way, 370 James St. 4th Floor. If you are interested, please email Adriana Joseph.
Schedule of PTO Meetings for 2016-17
All PTO meetings will be held in the Art Room -- until we move to the new building!
9/13 (5:30 pm, plan walkathon, recruit committee chairs)
10/18 (5 -7 pm, with financial aid town hall, debrief walkathon, vote funding requests, plan dance)
12/6 (5 -6 pm,
followed by band concert)
3/7 (6 -7 pm,
with Mini-Expo)
4/4 (5 -7 pm, with ISSP town hall, nominate officers for next year)
5/2 (5 -7 pm, with town hall for rising 9th & 12th grade families, vote officers, plan end-of-year events)
5/2 (5 -7 pm, with town hall for rising 9th & 12th grade families, vote officers, plan end-of-year events)
Don't Forget Those Boxtops!
A message from our Boxtops Chair:
We hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer.
We hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer.
Please take a few minutes to sign up for an account at the website. We are listed as ESUMS on this website. With your permission, this website will occasionally send you an email regarding contests that give ESUMS the opportunity to win cash and other prizes. Please give us a chance by submitting an entry.
Please submit your Box Tops, directly to the school, along with the student's name and grade. There is a collection box located in the Main Office for your submissions. Each Box Top is worth ten cents - so ten Box Tops equals a dollar for ESUMS.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Dress Code Review
Shirt with collar in navy blue, royal blue, "goldenrod" yellow, or white;
Pants in navy or tan;
Shorts and skirts are acceptable if (1) long enough to touch knees and (2) worn with socks or tights in dress code colors only (or black).
No dangling jewelry, no tight "skinny" pants, no jeans, no sweats, no exposed undies, no hoodies.
Sweaters and jackets must comply with dress code if they are to be worn all day.
Middle school:
Shoes/sneakers are supposed to be a single color -- all black with black soles or all brown with brown soles. These are hard to find, so sometimes parents might have to settle for a pair with white soles.
Students must have a belt and shirts must be tucked in.
High school:
Allegedly, the one-color-shoe rule has been relaxed and students may wear shirts untucked. The high school uniform has also been expanded to allow black and grey sweaters, scarves, and ESUMS logo shirts. No hats, but religious head coverings are fine.
High school dress code violations are taken seriously.
The school has a great selection of used uniforms; just ask in the office and be sure to donate your gently used ones!
Pants in navy or tan;
Shorts and skirts are acceptable if (1) long enough to touch knees and (2) worn with socks or tights in dress code colors only (or black).
No dangling jewelry, no tight "skinny" pants, no jeans, no sweats, no exposed undies, no hoodies.
Sweaters and jackets must comply with dress code if they are to be worn all day.
Middle school:
Shoes/sneakers are supposed to be a single color -- all black with black soles or all brown with brown soles. These are hard to find, so sometimes parents might have to settle for a pair with white soles.
Students must have a belt and shirts must be tucked in.
High school:
Allegedly, the one-color-shoe rule has been relaxed and students may wear shirts untucked. The high school uniform has also been expanded to allow black and grey sweaters, scarves, and ESUMS logo shirts. No hats, but religious head coverings are fine.
High school dress code violations are taken seriously.
The school has a great selection of used uniforms; just ask in the office and be sure to donate your gently used ones!
New Haven Board of Education Calendar Dates for 2016-17 School Year
Click to view the Calendar.
Stay informed and stay involved! All of these meetings are open to the public. Please note, meetings of the full Board of Education are listed in the third column. The location, Beecher School, is at 100 Jewel Street, not James Street.
Stay informed and stay involved! All of these meetings are open to the public. Please note, meetings of the full Board of Education are listed in the third column. The location, Beecher School, is at 100 Jewel Street, not James Street.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Volunteer Opportunity: NHPS Back-to-School Rally
Sign up sheet.
Saturday, August 6th, 10-2 (4 volunteer hours) at Floyd Little Athletic Center / Hillhouse High School.
Come help distribute 1500 backpacks and school supplies.
Saturday, August 6th, 10-2 (4 volunteer hours) at Floyd Little Athletic Center / Hillhouse High School.
Come help distribute 1500 backpacks and school supplies.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
An Opportunity for Poets
ArtSpace is recruiting poets with performance experience. Might be of interest to our poetry club.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Back-To-School Orientation Dates
Please pencil in these orientation dates and times as it's still quite early in the summer. If anything changes, we'll post the rescheduled times here.
Tuesday, August 23, Grades 9 & 10- 8:30-9:30AM
Grades 11& 12- 9:30-10:30AM
Wednesday, August 24, Grades 6-8 4-5PM
Grades 9-12 5-6PM
Thursday, August 25, Grade 6 8:30-9:30AM
Grade 7 & 8- 9:30-10:30AM
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Something to Brag About
100% of the members of the ESUMS graduating class of 2016 have plans for post-secondary education. Congratulations!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
The High School Barbecue Seeks Donations
Please see the list at this link. The barbecue will be on Friday.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Reminder: Yearbooks
Students can still buy a yearbook up to the 15th. Contact Ms. Davis for details.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Help wanted: Cat Sitter, one week, mid-June
Two cans a day at our house (North Haven), no litter changes. Can be two people (one who can stop by in the morning, another in the evening). Sweetest cat ever; modest pay. Email if interested.
ESUMS PTO Policy on Student Travel Grants
ESUMS students frequently excel in academic competitions and earn the opportunity to travel to national-level competitions. We have sent students in the past to national history, poetry, digital media, mathematics, science, and engineering competitions, and they frequently win awards even at the national level.
It is the PTO's policy to provide $150 travel reimbursement for national competitions per student per year while funds last.
ESUMS School Play Review from Malay USA
Truly amazing performances by members of ESUMS Drama Club. It was held at the University of New Haven Bucknall Theatre on June 2nd and June 3rd.
A few words or a simple sentence will not be sufficient to describe the incredibly mesmering performance by these young students. You really need to be there!
And you were there, you would've been so captivated by the show, that you didn't even realized that it was two hour long by the time it ended. It was so funny you would've laughed so hard, we all did! We are still talking about it even two days after the show.
ESUMS News at Malay USA
We'd like to direct your attention to a facebook page that does a great job of covering news about ESUMS: Malay USA. The following is a sample article about our math team competitors. We wish Hizami and Prastik all the best in this tough competition!
New Haven, Friday June 3, 2016: Hizami Anuar, Prastik Mohanraj and David Metrick are among the 45 Connecticut high school students who will be representing the Connecticut Association of Mathematics League (CSAML) at the 41st annual American Regions Mathematics League (ARML 2016), also known as "World Series of Mathematics Competitions" at Penn State University.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Nice Article on ESUMS by CT Council for Education Reform
Whether dealing with curriculum or culture—everything that goes on in the school is based upon the principle that all children can achieve at high levels if you set high expectations. And that seems to be bearing out.
Whether dealing with curriculum or culture—everything that goes on in the school is based upon the principle that all children can achieve at high levels if you set high expectations. And that seems to be bearing out.
ESUMS prepares its students for STEM programs at the collegiate level through a “hands-on and minds-on” philosophy. We heard from a variety of educators and students that what primarily distinguishes this school is its level of rigor, and a core belief that all students can achieve at high levels.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Field Day is Thursday!
It looks like the sun will shine at ESUMS Field Day at UNH on Thursday, June 2.
Parent volunteers are needed to set up, clean up, fill water jugs, fetch lunches, and hand out snacks any time between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Please note that this year, we will be on the main UNH campus, Kayo field (see map below, click for close-up), and the PTO will set up in the parking lot of the Arbeiter Maenner Chor. Parking should be unrestricted.
Donations of snacks and cups for water are also needed and can be dropped off in the office on Wednesday or even early Thursday morning. We could also use a volunteer to drive the water jugs from the school to UNH.
Please come out and volunteer; it's always a good event and a lot of fun!
Parent volunteers are needed to set up, clean up, fill water jugs, fetch lunches, and hand out snacks any time between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Please note that this year, we will be on the main UNH campus, Kayo field (see map below, click for close-up), and the PTO will set up in the parking lot of the Arbeiter Maenner Chor. Parking should be unrestricted.
Donations of snacks and cups for water are also needed and can be dropped off in the office on Wednesday or even early Thursday morning. We could also use a volunteer to drive the water jugs from the school to UNH.
Please come out and volunteer; it's always a good event and a lot of fun!
Monday, May 30, 2016
A Message from the Citywide Parent Team
"Good evening parents, this is Ife, a parent from Elm City Montessori School and a member of the Citywide Parent Team. I want to remind all of you that this coming Thursday June 2nd at 5 p.m. is our Citywide Parent Team meeting at Hillhouse Floyd Little Athletic Center located next to Hillhouse High School. Child care is provided. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Please come out; this is a meeting you do not want to miss."
ESUMS Summer Program
ESUMS Summer School Application 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that the Engineering and Science University Magnet School will again offer a rigorous summer enrichment program for our students!
We are pleased to announce that the Engineering and Science University Magnet School will again offer a rigorous summer enrichment program for our students!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Blood Drive May 31st
Good Day ESUMS parents/guardians,
We are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, May 31 from 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. We are inviting parents to come and donate to save a life! -- actually you can save up to 3 lives with one donation!
We are taking appointments every 15 minutes beginning at 8 a.m. At this moment times that are wide open are between 11-11:45 and 12:15-1:30.
It will only take about 45-60 minutes from start to finish. If you would like to sign up please reply to this email with the time you are available and I will let you know immediately if that time is available.
Thank you for taking the time to read this important message. We look forward to seeing you at the blood drive!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Great Opportunity: NY Academy of Sciences Junior Academy
Please click this link to the Junior Academy website.
"Each year, we invite students ages 13–19 to join
The Junior Academy. Successful applicants gain lifelong access to
exclusive educational opportunities and a remarkable global STEM network."
"Students develop advanced research, innovation, and collaboration skills with best-in-class learning resources and leverage these skills to compete in challenges sponsored by industry-leading companies."
"Enrollment is now open. Students will be accepted on a rolling basis until open spots have been filled. Application deadline is June 16, 2016. The next set of bootcamps and challenges will launch September 2016."
"Students develop advanced research, innovation, and collaboration skills with best-in-class learning resources and leverage these skills to compete in challenges sponsored by industry-leading companies."
"Enrollment is now open. Students will be accepted on a rolling basis until open spots have been filled. Application deadline is June 16, 2016. The next set of bootcamps and challenges will launch September 2016."
ESUMS Students Win at New Haven Science Fair
This news video shows almost every ESUMS student competing in the fair. Congratulations to Lauren, Prastik, Sumi, Aria, James, Eva, Shreya, and Punar!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
STEM Career Fair at Wilbur Cross Tomorrow, May 19
STEM Professionals Career Fair
THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 2016 2:30-5:00PM
If you are interested in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), and you want to learn more about the career options available to you, join Yale ManyMentors as they host their STEM professions career fair! They will have representatives from various career tracks, including healthcare professions, research, industry, manufacturing, academia, government, and more! Snacks will be provided. Open to all high school students. Pre-registration is encouraged. Please email This event is brought to you by the Yale Graduate Student Chapter of ManyMentors and the Yale League of Black Scientists.
THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 2016 2:30-5:00PM
If you are interested in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), and you want to learn more about the career options available to you, join Yale ManyMentors as they host their STEM professions career fair! They will have representatives from various career tracks, including healthcare professions, research, industry, manufacturing, academia, government, and more! Snacks will be provided. Open to all high school students. Pre-registration is encouraged. Please email This event is brought to you by the Yale Graduate Student Chapter of ManyMentors and the Yale League of Black Scientists.
Friday, May 13, 2016
A Reminder from Our BoxTops Chair
The ESUMS PTO is having a contest!
It is time to submit your Box Tops for Education.
Each Box Top earns TEN CENTS for our school.
Please submit your Box Tops, along with the student's name, grade and homeroom number. The top three submissions of valid Box Tops will win a Subway Gift Card.
Deadline for this contest is Wednesday, May 25, 2016. The winners will be announced in May. The list of boxtops products is below (click on the image to view the fine print):
It is time to submit your Box Tops for Education.
Each Box Top earns TEN CENTS for our school.
Please submit your Box Tops, along with the student's name, grade and homeroom number. The top three submissions of valid Box Tops will win a Subway Gift Card.
Deadline for this contest is Wednesday, May 25, 2016. The winners will be announced in May. The list of boxtops products is below (click on the image to view the fine print):
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
EXPO Schedule for Saturday May 14
Dear Families, It’s ExpoFest time!!
ESUMS will have six teams competing against other CT schools. Teams will set up their interactive exhibitions at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford,CT to display and pitch their work to the public. Each project will be assessed by a panel of judges comprised of business professionals, higher-education faculty, and experts in the realms of science, technology and business.
Volunteer at Westville Art Walk
Need Community Service Hours? Volunteer at Westville Art Walk. See attached flyer for more information.
Take a Survey for the E-Commerce Class
Hi everyone, If you could please answer the following questions and email them to ASAP, it'd be appreciated! Thank you for helping the ESUMS E-Commerce project!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
NHPS Meetings in May
Website on Instruction at ESUMS
ESUMS Resources is the website of instructional coach Shawna Johnson. Please visit it to learn more about all the careful theory and details behind teaching, learning, and testing at ESUMS.
PTO Meeting Tuesday May 3 at 5
Special Guest: Ms. Migliore will speak about Restorative Justice at ESUMS.
Other business includes: Field Day, Middle School Dance, Orientation for New Students at UNH, and end-of-year activities.
Other business includes: Field Day, Middle School Dance, Orientation for New Students at UNH, and end-of-year activities.
A Reminder from Ms.Paris-Cooper
Today is a Report Card Conference Day and high school students will have an opportunity to purchase slices of pizza for a $1.00. Regular lunch is not available for high school students only.
Also note that the high school seniors are having a raffle of two baskets with over $300.00 in gift cards. The cost is $1.00. Please support.
Also note that the high school seniors are having a raffle of two baskets with over $300.00 in gift cards. The cost is $1.00. Please support.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Middle School Dance: Friday May 6
The Middle School Dance is ON! Students can buy tickets from Ms. Nap. Parents, please sign up to let us know what kind of snacks you can bring. If you'd like to chaperone, set up, or clean up, just show up -- we will be very grateful for your efforts!
Sign Up Sheet.
Sign Up Sheet.
High School Students: Document Your PLTW Work with College Board
Register here.
In 2015, College Board introduced a new program, a combined effort between the College Board and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) to increase participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses. This program provides an opportunity for students to earn a recognition that shows colleges and employers that they're ready for advanced course work and interested in STEM careers.
To ensure that qualifying students in your school earn the recognition this summer, please encourage students to submit their application on the AP + PLTW student recognition site by June 30. Students will only need to complete three easy steps to get started:
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