Welcome new ESUMS families to the PTO blog. We try to improve communication between the school and families by posting information here about school, city, and PTO activities.
⇊ Always scroll down.
⇊ There is a lot of information that doesn't show up on this first screen.
(2) Check out the Blue News in the upper right-hand corner. It's almost always up-to-date.
(3) Use the Amazon box in the right-hand margin to connect to Amazon. The school will get a small percentage of your purchases; it's one of our easiest ongoing fundraisers, and it costs you nothing but a click.
(4) Subscribe -- You can have these blog posts come right to your email inbox: just click on
feed://ptoesums.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default and enter your information.
(5) Comment -- We really do love to hear from you.
(6) Volunteer -- This is the time to recruit additional bloggers for the next school year.
Thank you for all of the time, effort, and resources you give to support ESUMS.